Donate to TSA

As the institution we have established students’ bursary scheme after realizing the need to assist most of our students as they come from a poor background yet intelligent, smart and hardworking. however, we can only afford to offer bursaries to two students per year.

Your support of TSA is important to the Technicon family. By giving to the institution, you help some of our brightest students continue and succeed with their studies, regardless of their means. Share our vision and help realize a better future for our students by supporting our many educational initiatives through financial assistance. Your support, however big or small, makes a difference in the lives of our students.

Contact Details:

Tel: +27 (0)13 932 2358
Cell: +27 (76) 126 3087

Banking Details
Account Name: TSA Pty (Ltd)
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Branch: Centurion
Branch Code: 261 550
Account Number: 62370651442
Account Type: Current

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