Online Registration

The following must accompany your registration:

  1. Certified copy of Applicant’s Identity Document

  2. Certified copy of previous results [report, statement of results or certificates]

  3. Non-Refundable Admission fee

  4. 1 x passport-size photo of the Applicant

  5. Certified copy of Account Payer’s Identity Document

  6. Account Payer’s Proof of Income

  7. Registration fee as per course

Dispute Resolution

Should any dispute, except in respect of outstanding payments, arise at any time regarding the terms contained herein which the parties are unable to resolve amicably, then such dispute shall be submitted to mediation or arbitration before any legal action is taken. Except as may be expressly provided for otherwise, the mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of South Africa. The mediation or arbitration proceedings shall be held on an informal basis, it being the primary intention of the parties that a decision should be reached as expeditiously and as inexpensively as possible, subject only to the due observance of the principles of justice and the rule of law. Should the dispute be mainly of a legal nature, then the mediator or arbitrator shall be an independent practicing attorney with no less than 10 (TEN) years’ experience, or a senior advocate as agreed upon by the parties, and failing such agreement, a person nominated by the Mediation Centre falling under the auspices of the Institute of Directors. This Clause shall constitute each party’s irrevocable consent to any mediation or arbitration proceedings and neither party shall be entitled to withdraw from such proceedings or to claim that it is not bound by the provisions of this Clause.

Refund, Change of Course and Guarantee Policy

a) Any Withdrawal from or cancellation of course must be made in writing stating all the reasons for withdrawal or cancellation.

b) Any withdrawal or cancellation of course by the student, parent or employer made after the commencement of the course will affect the full course fee.

c) Withdrawal from or cancellation of a course by the student or employer made at least 7 working days before commencement of the course:80% of course fees paid will be refundable excluding the Admission and Registration fee.

d) Withdrawal from or cancellation of course by the student or employer made within 5 working days before commencment date of course will incur 50% of cancellation fee (Admission and Registration fee is non-refundable).

e) All students enrolled at TECHNICONSA are covered under our surety guarantee in terms of regulation 1, annexure

4 in government notice R101 in Government gazette 28121, 11th October 2005 under the further education and training act (act no.98 of 1998)


a) N1-N6 Certificates are issued by the Department of Higher Education and Training upon passing subject at that level or qualification.

b) NQF aligned or Seta’s Certificates or Diplomas are issued by the Seta concern upon completion of full qualification or Unit standard.

c) Diplomas are also issued by the National Department of Higher Education and Training on succeful completion of N6 and relevant working experience of 18 months for Management courses and 2 years for Engineering Courses.

d) Certificates are handed to students at a formal graduation ceremony held in April and October annually.

e) A fee of R500 shall be charged on collection of any Subject Certificate, Full Qualification Certificate and or Diploma as Umalusi and DHET charge the institution for every certificate issued.

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